Ensemble pour la sante des mamans et des bebes
The Ensemble pour la sante des mamans et des bebes is conveniently located at the following address:
Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Lanaudière
245, Curé-Majeau
Joliette, QUEBEC
J6E 8S8
For more information please contact the following individual:
Dominique Corbeil
Telephone: (450) 759-6660 x4405
Fax: (450) 759-5149
Email: dominique.corbeil@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Not Available
Population Served
- Low Income
- Aboriginal/Metis/Inuit
- Single Parents
- Teen Pregnancy/Parent
- Immigrant/Newcomers
- Breastfeeding
- Nutrition consultation/education & Prenatal Nutrition
- Pre/postnatal information/support
- Collective food preparation and/or purchasing